Thursday, January 29, 2009

"The One"

How do you know if you've met 'the one?'

"I knew Hope and I would be together forever when I turned on ESPN's SportsCenter for the first time — and she didn't ask me to change the channel!"— Jason Brown, 29, Troy, MI

"I met my wife just before I turned 30. Ten minutes into our initial conversation, she asked if I'd seen the latest Rogaine commercial. The question was more than a little impolite, since I had lost most of my hair in my early 20s. I quickly concluded that she had either no clue or remarkable pluck. The latter turned out to be the case. I asked her out, and 10 months later we were married."— Rob DeRocker, 42, Brooklyn

"The first time my girlfriend went on vacation without me, I couldn't get her off my mind the entire time she was gone — I missed her so much. The moment she walked in the door, I dropped down on one knee and asked her if she would be my wife."— Brian Shultes, 40, Palmetto, FL

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